
本页的资源旨在帮助同时使用辅助技术和视频会议软件的个人. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 supports two options for videoconferencing; 变焦 and Microsoft 团队. 你的教授可能会使用这些平台中的任何一个来举行远程课程和会议.


以下快捷方式对于变焦 Desktop Client是通用的,并且在使用各种辅助技术时应该可以正常工作.

  • F6 =在缩放窗口之间导航.
  • CTRL+ALT+SHIFT = Move focus to the meeting controls in 变焦.
  • ALT+A =麦克风静音/取消静音. 您可以让您的麦克风静音,并按住空格键暂时取消静音.
  • ALT+S =开始或停止屏幕共享注意:仅当会议控制工具栏处于焦点时有效. 
  • ALT+T =暂停或恢复屏幕共享注意:此功能仅在会议控制工具栏处于焦点状态时有效
  • ALT+R =开始本地录音. The host can disable the functionality to record the meeting.
  • ALT+C =开始云录制. 将会议记录到云端. The host can disable the functionality to record the meeting.
  • ALT+P =暂停或恢复录制. The host can disable the functionality to record the meeting.
  • ALT+F =进入或退出全屏.
  • ALT+H =显示/隐藏聊天面板. 聊天面板允许您向所有参与者或个人发送书面消息.
  • ALT+U = Display/hide Participants panel. 参与者小组是一个简单的与会人员名单.
  • ALT+Y =在与会者窗口中,举起/放下自己名字旁边的手图标. This alerts the meeting host that you would like to ask a question. 请注意,主机必须注意参与者列表,此功能才有用.

团队 (Windows) Desktop App Keyboard Shortcuts


  • 打开活动- Ctrl + 1
  • 打开聊天- Ctrl + 2
  • 开始一个新的聊天- Ctrl + N
  • 打开团队-按Ctrl + 3
  • 打开日历- Ctrl + 4
  • Open Calls - Ctrl + 5
  • 打开文件-按Ctrl + 6
  • 打开滤镜- Ctrl + Shift + F
  • Show keyboard shortcuts – Press Ctrl  +  Period (.)
  • 显示命令- Ctrl +斜杠(/)
  • 打开设置- Ctrl +逗号(,)
  • 打开帮助- F1
  • 关闭- Esc
  • 放大- Ctrl +等号(=)
  • 缩小- Ctrl +负号(-)


  • 预约会议—Ctrl + Shift + N
  • Save/send a meeting request – Ctrl + S
  • 启动音频通话—Ctrl + Shift + C
  • 接受音频呼叫- Ctrl + Shift + S
  • 开始视频通话- Ctrl + Shift + U
  • 接受视频通话- Ctrl + Shift + A
  • 拒绝呼叫- Ctrl + Shift + D
  • Toggle audio (mute/unmute) – Ctrl + Shift + M
  • 切换视频- Ctrl + Shift + O
  • 切换全屏- Ctrl + Shift + F
  • Toggle background blur in video call – Ctrl + Shift + P


  • Go to sharing toolbar – Ctrl + Shift + Space
  • 共享你的屏幕- Ctrl + Shift + E
  • Accept screen share – Ctrl + Shift + A
  • Reject screen share – Ctrl + Shift + D


  • 转到作曲框- C
  • 展开撰写框- Ctrl + Shift + X
  • Send (expanded compose box) – Ctrl + Enter
  • Mark message as important – Ctrl + Shift + X
  • 附加文件- Ctrl + O
  • 开始新行- Shift + Enter
  • 回复一个线程——R
  • 标记为重要- Ctrl + Shift + I


  • 按- Ctrl + G
  • 点击搜索- Ctrl + E
  • Go to previous list item – Alt + Up Arrow
  • Go to next list item – Alt + Down Arrow
  • Move selected team up – Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow
  • Move selected team down – Ctrl + Shift + Down Arrow
  • Go to previous section – Ctrl + Shift + F6
  • 转到下一节- Ctrl + F6

Using 团队 with Screen Reading Software

To cycle through the Microsoft 团队 screen elements, 按Ctrl + F6 to move between the different screen regions. The screen contains the following main elements:

  • The main content area in the center of the screen. The main content area consists of a list pane and a content pane.
  • The vertical toolbar on the far left of the screen. 屏幕阅读器显示:“应用程序栏." To navigate inside the toolbar, press the Up or Down arrow key. The screen reader announces the buttons as you move. 从工具栏,你可以切换到另一个视图或安装的应用程序.
  • 屏幕顶部的水平菜单栏包含后退和前进按钮以及搜索字段.

To cycle through the horizontal menu bar, 垂直工具栏, the list pane of the main content area, 最后, the content pane of the main content area, 按Ctrl + F6.


Microsoft 团队包含以下主要视图:团队、Activity、Chat、Calendar和Files.


当你第一次登录微软团队应用程序时,你会进入团队视图. 将选择在您的团队列表中具有最近活动的团队, and the team's conversation in the 一般 channel is displayed. 您可以浏览您的团队、选择团队的频道、添加新频道以及加入或离开团队. 您还可以访问、修改和贡献团队频道的内容. 例如,您可以编写消息或上传文件以与团队共享.

To go to the 团队的观点 after login, press Ctrl+3. The screen reader announces: "团队 and channels list." The focus is in the Favorites section in the list pane.

Tip: To quickly go to a specific channel or team, press Ctrl+E to move to the search field at the top of the screen. 输入/goto,按Enter键,并开始输入频道或团队的名称. The list of search results is updated as you type. 按向下箭头键浏览列表,直到听到所需的结果,然后按Enter. The requested team or channel opens in the 团队的观点.



To go to the 活动视图, press Ctrl+1. The screen reader announces: "Feed is selected." The focus is on the listing option menu in the list pane.


The 聊天的观点 lists your recent messages. You can browse the messages list and open a message to write a reply, 阅读完整的对话, 开始打电话, 或者在聊天中共享文件. You can also check a contact's details and start a private chat.

要进入聊天视图,按Ctrl+2. The screen reader announces: "Chat list." The focus is on the list of recent chats in the list pane.


The 日程表视图 lists your upcoming meetings. 您可以浏览即将召开的会议、加入在线会议或预约会议.

To go to the 日程表视图, press Ctrl+4. The screen reader announces: "Calendar grid." The focus is on the Today section in the list pane.


在Calls视图中,您可以直接从Microsoft 团队调用联系人. You can also browse your call history and check your voice mail.

Note: The Calls feature is available in certain regions only.

按Ctrl+5进入“Calls”视图. 你听到的是:“电话列表."


在文件视图中, 你可以浏览和打开你的个人文件从OneDrive或你的团队在本地应用程序的共享文件或编辑他们在微软团队. You can also download a file to your local device.

  • To go to the 文件视图, do one of the following:
  • If you have the Calls feature, press Ctrl+6.
  • If you don't have the Calls feature, press Ctrl+5.

屏幕阅读器宣布最近文件列表中第一个文件的详细信息. The focus is on the first file in the content pane.


Each view contains a main content area in the center of the screen. This area has been divided into a list pane and a content pane. The contents of each pane depend on the selected view.

当您选择视图时, the focus moves to either the list pane or content pane, 如导航到视图中所述. 要在列表窗格和内容窗格之间导航,请按Tab键、Shift+Tab或Ctrl+F6.


The list pane is on the left side of the main content area. 您可以浏览和选择项目,并在右侧的内容窗格中详细显示它们. 例如, 在Chat视图中, 在列表窗格中选择一个聊天, and the entire chat is displayed in the content pane. 根据所选视图,您还可以安排会议或加入团队.

  • 要输入列表,请按Tab键或向下箭头键,直到听到列表中的第一个项目.
  • To browse the items in a list pane, press the Up or Down arrow key. The screen reader announces the item details or buttons as you move.
  • 要在列表中选择一个项目并在内容窗格中显示其详细信息,请按Enter.


The content pane is on the right side of the main content area. You can access the content of the item selected in the list pane. 根据所选的视图,您还可以添加通道和选项卡、启动调用和键入消息. 内容窗格的顶部还包含一个选项卡行,用于组织团队资产, 例如, 的文章, 共享文件, 或者组织信息.


转到要在其中导航页面的Microsoft 团队通道窗口. 导航到选项卡行, 按Tab键或Shift+Tab键,直到听到当前选择的选项卡, 例如, ”的帖子.移动到另一个标签, 按向右或向左箭头键,直到听到要选择的选项卡, ,然后按Enter键.

  • 进入内容窗格主区域, press the Tab key until you hear the latest item in the area, such as the latest message in a conversation.
  • 若要在内容窗格中导航,请按Tab键或向上或向下箭头键. The most recent content is in the bottom of the pane.
  • To navigate inside a calendar in the content pane, 按Ctrl+4,然后按Tab键或Shift+Tab键在顶部工具栏之间移动, 日历选项工具栏, 日历主体. 使用向上和向下箭头键在日历中的一天内导航,使用向左和向右箭头键在天之间移动.


The virtual cursor is one of the three cursors available in JAWS. 它被设计为在HTML中使用, 网络, or similar environment (including HTML-based help systems, PDF文件, 和HTML邮件格式),其中使用其他JAWS游标进行导航可能效率较低.

JAWS虚拟光标可以让你像浏览文本文档一样浏览和阅读网页, 例如Word文件. 光标可以像文字处理应用程序一样,在相同的文本单元上自由移动, 比如字符, 单词, 行, 或段落. 当JAWS虚拟光标在网页或类似环境中移动时, no visible indicator is shown as to its location. 这种方式, 您可以将虚拟光标移动到屏幕上当前显示的内容范围之外.

最近版本的JAWS不再将虚拟PC光标模式设置为Microsoft 团队的默认模式. For more information on the JAWS virtual cursor, go to Use Microsoft 团队 with the JAWS virtual cursor.

With JAWS running, open Microsoft 团队.

  • Press the Insert key+6 to open the JAWS Settings Center window. The focus changes to the 搜索 box in that window.
  • In the 搜索 box, type use virtual PC.
  • 按一次Tab键将焦点移到搜索结果列表上. 您将听到“使用虚拟PC光标”,然后是虚拟PC光标选项的当前设置. 如果当前设置为“未选中”,按空格键选中“使用虚拟电脑光标”复选框.
  • Press the Tab key until you hear "OK button," and press Enter.

Once you've enabled the JAWS virtual cursor, 当JAWS运行时,按插入键+Z切换虚拟光标的开启或关闭.