
P. 维克多·彼得森 1947-49: P. 维克多·彼得森
Los Angeles State College (LASC) opened its doors on the Vermont Avenue campus of Los Angeles City College (LACC) in August 1947.
作为LACC主席, P. 维克多·彼得森 成为了州立大学的代理校长. 彼德森当时正在圣荷西州立大学休假, 他是哪里的职业教育主任, 化学教授兼自然科学系系主任. 他得了B.A. 1917年在爱荷华州立师范学院任教.A. in 1921. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 1930年从斯坦福大学毕业.
Fall semester at LASC started with 225 students, but the enrollment had jumped to 1,092 by spring. 学生们来自美国的各个州以及墨西哥、伊朗和加拿大. 第一批7名学生于1948年毕业.

霍华德年代. 麦当劳 1949-62: 霍华德年代. 麦当劳
1949年,学院迎来了第二任校长, 霍华德年代. 麦当劳, as well as the first of several name changes: Los Angeles State College of Applied Arts & 科学(LASCAAS).
麦克唐纳出生在盐湖城. 1921年,他得了B.S. 从犹他州立农业学院毕业,获得硕士学位.A. 1925年从加州大学伯克利分校毕业. 教育家和管理者, 麦当劳 was serving as president of Brigham Young University when he was selected to lead LASCAAS.
麦当劳’s term was a time of great transition as he directed both the development of educational programs and physical expansion of the college. 官方在目前的地点破土动工, 当时被称为雷蒙纳遗址, 1955年,第一批10栋建筑在三年后向学生开放.

阿尔伯特·D. 格雷夫斯 1962-63: 阿尔伯特·D. 格雷夫斯
阿尔伯特·D. 格雷夫斯
was vice president of Academic Affairs when he became acting president of LASCAAS in 1962. 格雷夫斯 held bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from Stanford University. 在来洛杉矶州立大学之前, he served as superintendent of the San Bernardino Schools and a professor of education at Humboldt State College.
Eighty-eight new faculty appointments were made during the year that 格雷夫斯 served as caretaker, and the college also entered into its first contract to prepare students for the U.S. 和平队. The first group of 65 volunteers was trained for service in the Dominican Republic in the areas of teacher training, 音乐教师培训和城市社区行动.

富兰克林·阿瑟·约翰逊 1963-66: 富兰克林·阿瑟·约翰逊
took over as the fourth president of Los Angeles State College in October 1963. 约翰逊来自佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville).他在大学当了七年校长. 他得了B.S. 1947年获得罗格斯大学的优等学位. 在做他的M.A. 和Ph值.D. 哈佛大学毕业, he was chosen as a faculty scholar and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship for study at the London School of Economics.
在约翰逊的任期内,足球队排名第一. 1 nationally and the campus was renamed once more to California State College at Los Angeles (CSCLA) when it became part of the California State College System in 1964.
约翰逊在林登. 约翰逊任命他为就业团主任.

约翰·E. Greenlee
1966-79: 约翰·E. Greenlee
加州州立大学校长宣布 约翰·E. Greenlee 1966年5月当选第五任总统. 1965年,格林利来到中国政法学院担任学术事务副校长. 在他被任命之前, he spent 30 years in college teaching and administration in Iowa—20 of them at Iowa State University.
他的B.A., M.A., Ph值.D. were all earned at the University of Iowa where he majored in history and minored in education. 在博士后水平, he studied British history and higher education at the University of California at Berkeley.
20世纪60年代末和70年代是学院的另一个巨大变化时期. The campus converted to the quarter system in 1967 and established the first Chicano Studies Department in the nation in 1968. The University-Student Union, Simpson Tower and Salazar Hall were all built during this time. 1972年, the California State College system became The California State University and Colleges (CSUC). This campus received university status and was officially known as California State University, 洛杉矶或加州州立大学.A. informally-ever自.
格林利于1979年退休. Greenlee Plaza, located south of the Physical Sciences building, was dedicated to him.

詹姆斯米. 伐木工人 1979-2013: 詹姆斯米. 伐木工人
詹姆斯米. 伐木工人
在1979年被选为第六任总统. 科学家的学位, 在卫生管理和微生物学, 由位于卡本代尔的南伊利诺伊大学(Ph.D. 1969, M.A. 1963, B.A. 1962).
在接受总统职位之前, 伐木工人 served as deputy chancellor of the State of New Jersey Department of Higher Education. 此前,他曾担任负责学术事务的副校长, 也是药理学和毒理学的教员, 在劳伦斯的堪萨斯大学任教.
到1979年罗瑟被任命时, 该校已授予超过85人学位,在34年的时间里,有1000名学生,每年招收近29名学生,2000人,教职工2人,700名全职和兼职员工. 1981年,校园吉祥物从迪亚波罗改为金鹰.A. received worldwide attention when it hosted the judo event in the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in Los Angeles.
在罗瑟的领导下,大学的面貌发生了变化. 伐木工人开发的项目包括:学生公寓, 洛杉矶县艺术高中, 马克和伊娃·斯特恩数理学校, 埃德蒙·G. 帕特·布朗公共事务研究所, 安娜·宾·阿诺德儿童中心, 地铁站, 哈里特和查尔斯·卢克曼美术中心, 赫茨伯格-戴维斯法医科学中心, 一个新的大学学生会, 金鹰大厦, Wallis Annenberg综合科学大楼和La Kretz大厅, 公共安全/大学警察设施, 和电视, 电影, 及媒体中心.

威廉一个. Covino 2013-2023: 威廉一个. Covino
威廉一个. Covino
2013年被选为该校第七任校长. 科维诺只得到了B.A. 加州大学洛杉矶分校的英语老师. 他持有M。.A. degrees from CSU Northridge and the University of Southern California and earned a Ph.D. 1981年从南加州大学毕业.
Covino joined 加州大学洛杉矶分校 after a long career in higher education as an educator and scholar of rhetoric. 他曾担任弗雷斯诺州立大学教务长和学术事务副校长. He was also provost at Stanislaus State and began his career in higher education as an assistant professor at San Diego State.
在科维诺任期内, 这所大学在全国的知名度和排名都有所上升, 看到了学生成功指标的改善, and earned the distinction of being home to the most diverse faculty in the CSU. 在过去的十年里,足彩外围网站的排名也稳步上升 U.S. 新闻与世界报道 排名. 加州大学洛杉矶分校 jumped 73 spots among all private and public regional universities in the West over eight years.
在他的领导下, 该大学还成立了参与中心, 服务, and the 公共利益; established the MindMatters initiative (now called WellBeingU); added the College of Ethnic Studies; created the 加州大学洛杉矶分校 Downtown campus; and developed the CalStateLA BioSpace incubator.

勒罗伊Morishita 2023-2024: 勒罗伊米. Morishita
勒罗伊米. Morishita
 was appointed by the CSU Board of Trustees to serve as interim president of 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 森下于2023年7月31日开始任职,任期至2024年1月7日.
Morishita came to 加州大学洛杉矶分校 with more than 40 years of experience in the California State University system as an educator and administrator. 从2011年到2020年,森下先生担任加州州立大学东湾分校的校长. 在他的领导下, CSUEB的成就达到了新的高度, 毕业率和留校率稳步上升, 当股权差距缩小时. Morishita previously served as executive vice president for administration and finance and chief financial officer at San Francisco State University.
Morishita earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of California, Berkeley; a master’s degree in counseling at San Francisco State University; and a Doctor of Education in Administration, 哈佛大学教育研究生院规划与社会政策.

贝雷尼西亚·约翰逊·埃恩斯 2024年至今: 贝雷尼西亚·约翰逊·埃恩斯
 was appointed by the CSU Board of Trustees to serve as president of 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 她的任期从2024年1月8日开始. Eanes is 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s ninth president and the first woman to serve in the position.
埃恩斯此前曾担任约克学院院长, 纽约城市大学, 在那里,她为大约1,100年教师, 员工和管理人员, 同时监督9100万美元的预算, 包括捐赠基金, 筹资和集中管理资源. Eanes had also served as a professor in the Department of Social Work since 2019.
Her appointment as president of 加州大学洛杉矶分校 marked a return to the CSU for Eanes, who previously served as vice president for Student Affairs at California State University, 富勒顿(2012 - 2019), where she delivered leadership and oversight for myriad student success programs, 以及新校园的基础设施和大学的战略规划.
Eanes earned a bachelor’s degree in public health from Dillard University; a master’s degree in social work from Boston University; and her doctorate in social work from Clark Atlanta University.