








2015年10月, we embarked on a strategic planning initiative that sought to help the University community articulate a vision for 加州大学洛杉矶分校’s future, 并创建一个框架来实现这一愿景. 战略规划协调委员会, 由教员组成, 工作人员, 学生, 行政代表, 是为了领导这一行动而创建的. 我们的方法是合作的, 包容, 和透明的, with a range of engagement opportunities that ensured every voice in our community was heard.


加州大学洛杉矶分校 transforms lives and fosters thriving communities across greater Los Angeles. 我们培养和扩大学生的独特才能, 丰富的生活经历, 通过参与教学提高智力, 学习, 奖学金, 研究, 以及支持他们整体成功的公共服务, 幸福, 更大的好处.
加州大学洛杉矶分校 will be internationally recognized as the premier comprehensive public university in greater Los Angeles. We are dedicated to delivering cutting-edge academic programs that prepare 学生 to be innovative leaders in both their 专业 and civic lives and to serving the public good through initiatives that engage local, 区域, 以及全球社区 in mutually beneficial partnerships.


  • 学生们首先 ——我们把学生的学业成绩, 就业准备, 我们所做的一切都以幸福为中心.
  • 不断超越自己 – We set ambitious goals to challenge and inspire us, benefitting our role as L.A.英国首屈一指的综合性公立大学.
  • 参与、服务和公益 -我们培养有意义的, collaborative relationships that contribute to the public good among the University community, 校友, 和地方, 区域, 以及全球社区.
  • 多样性、公平和包容 -我们培育多元化, 期待文化能力, and actively seek perspectives and engagement from all constituents in our community, 发展公正和公平的期望.
  • 学生参与 – We encourage our 学生 to take ownership of their own campus experiences by seeking opportunities that promote inclusion, 归属感, 和领导能力.
  • 参与式教与学 -我们培养和扩大学生的独特才能, 丰富的生活经历, 通过参与教学提高智力, 学习, 奖学金, 研究和充满活力的学生生活.
  • 学术资格 – We foster and promote academic distinction through innovation, 学术严谨,追求终身学习.
  • 学者社区 – We foster a community of scholars among 教师 and 学生 engaged in 研究, 奖学金, 创造性的成就.
  • 卓越文化 – We encourage and expect all members of our University community to pursue academic, 专业, 以及个人的卓越.
  • 透明的协同决策 -我们让数据知情, evidence-based decisions and are collaborative 和透明的 in our approach and communication.
  • 相互尊重 – We are committed to cultivating a supportive and accepting environment where each of us commits to fostering a culture of respect for all.
  • 学术自由 ——倡导学术自由和职业道德.



Strategic Priority Area: 参与、服务和公益

Overall Goal: Graduate civic-minded 学生 equipped for and committed to engagement, 服务, 公共利益


  • 发展跨校园能力,支持公民学习
  • 增加校友对足彩外围网站的参与度和忠诚度
  • 增加和加强社区外展伙伴关系
  • 成为我.A.’s premier educational anchor institution and contribute to the overall 幸福 of the region
  • 扩大服务学习机会
  • Foster a thriving and progressive region through meaningful collaborative partnerships among and within the University, 校友, 以及大洛杉矶地区的社区
  • Promote global awareness and strengthen international partnerships and opportunities


  • 增加服务学习的机会
  • 增加校友参与
  • Increase 教师 participation and expertise in civic engagement



Overall Goal: Nurture a welcoming and 包容 campus where 学生, 教师, 员工茁壮成长,社区得到尊重和培育


  • Foster Golden Eagle Pride for all members of the University community
  • Streamline and improve administrative processes and leverage cutting-edge technology
  • Realize the promise of diversity and 包容 excellence across the University
  • 增加有效沟通, 共同的计划和目标, 以及学生之间的协作决策, 教师, 工作人员, 和管理
  • Increase the number of welcoming and healthy spaces on campus
  • Ensure 教师 and 工作人员 hiring that reflects and contributes to a diverse and 包容 community
  • 支持教职员工的专业发展
  • Continue to invest in upgrading and improving buildings and infrastructure


  • Reduce time and complexity needed to complete key processes
  • Increase number of 教师 and 工作人员 专业 development opportunities
  • Increase educational opportunities to enhance cultural competencies
  • 增加教师的多样性



总体目标:创造积极的, holistic student experience with a clear and timely path to a high quality degree


  • Cultivate and affirm an asset-based mindset and practice in everything we do, 一个尊重学生独特才能的学校, 丰富的生活经历, 以及求知欲
  • 确保课程可用性
  • Ensure a rigorous, challenging, and high-quality education for all 学生
  • Provide proactive, consistent, and quality advising and academic support
  • 营造充满活力和丰富的校园生活, including opportunities for greater involvement in student leadership, 体育运动, 俱乐部, 和活动
  • Promote access to and utilization of student wellness 服务s
  • 加强职业过渡支持服务, including increasing internship and mentoring opportunities
  • Expand student-校友 networking and mentoring opportunities
  • 确保有效的人员配置以支持学生的成功
  • Promote strategic thinking and implement effective practices that engage distinct student communities


  • 提高留校率和毕业率
  • 减少毕业率差距
  • Reduce average numbers of units earned by graduation to more closely align with the number of units required for the degree



Overall Goal: Provide high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs and investment in 教师 who are uniquely committed to educating a diverse student body


  • Promote 包容 pedagogical approaches that address the distinct values, 信仰, 以及我们学生的文化
  • Build academic programs that transcend disciplinary boundaries
  • 促进参与式教学
  • Promote the teacher-scholar model by supporting 教师 研究 and creative projects, 以及与社区的互动
  • 支持多样化的学习方法, 开拓创新课程, 以及师生之间的研究机会
  • Promote ample opportunities for 教师 to advance effective teaching practices
  • 招聘和留住更多的终身教职员工
  • Recognize and support 教师 and 工作人员 who contribute to the academic success of our 学生


  • Increase the number of programs that meaningfully engage in program review to improve student 学习 and ensure high-quality degree programs
  • Increase support for 教师 研究, creative accomplishments, and 奖学金
  • Increase the number of publications, scholarly and creative work, and grants
  • 增加终身教授/终身教授与学生的比例